Waverley Art Prize
24 September – 3 October
Bondi Pavillion Art Gallery
My 2021 piece ‘Friday on the Moon’ was a finalist in the 2022 Waverley Art Prize.

In order to go to see
24 September – 6 October
The work in this show is part of an ongoing series exploring the cultural, linguistic, graphic and historical associations of the colour International Orange.
Photos by Tim Ungaro.
British Empire of the Victorian era was enormous and diverse. At one end of the
political spectrum was India, where Britain ruled as heir to the Mughals. On
the other end was Pitcairn, a dot of an island in the southern Pacific Ocean of
less than two square miles whose population, descendants of mutineers and their
Tahitian companions, peaked at around two hundred. In between were
constellations of red swaths, blotches, and dots on global maps that
represented British possessions on every continent save Antarctica.
– Caroline Elkins
Legacy of Violence
– Caroline Elkins
Legacy of Violence
Sometimes I feel like Fletcher
– Mekons
Sometimes I Feel Like Fletcher Christian
– Mekons
Sometimes I Feel Like Fletcher Christian
is only seeing and, in order to go to see, one must be a pirate.
– Kathy Acker
quoted in Chris Kraus After Kathy Acker
– Kathy Acker
quoted in Chris Kraus After Kathy Acker
This book, which I ordered
from London and reread a thousand times, filled me with longing to see with my
own eyes the strange continent, last Thule of the South, which lies on our maps
and globes like a white cloud, a void, fringed here and there with scraps of
coastline, dubious capes, supposititious islands, headlands that may or may not
be there: Antarctica. And the desire was as pure as the polar snows: to go, to
see – no more; no less.
– Ursula K. Le Guin
– Ursula K. Le Guin
are those who would impatiently ask, “What is the use of it all?” The answer is
brief. Bound up with the mystery of the seventh continent are volumes of data
of vital importance to science, and economic problems which may become of the
moment in the near future.
– Douglas Mawson
The Home of the Blizzard
– Douglas Mawson
The Home of the Blizzard