
Typing pool

A prototype simultaneous collaborative writing machine  – an ongoing project commenced in 2018.

See also: 2021.

Work in progress at Frontyard Projects, Marrickville, July 2018

Invitation for participants, July 2018:

  1. I’ll be in residence at Frontyard the week before my show ‘All or nothing’ opens at CCG.
  2. I’ll be looping a long piece of paper through two or three typewriters.
  3. This is an open invitation for participants/typists.
  4. You can type whatever you like – pre-written/thought things, spontaneous whatevers, shopping lists, demands, pictures, nothing.
  5. Depending on how I rig it, two or three will be able to type simultaneously, hence the title.
  6. The more eagle-eyed among you will notice that this is just a way to facilitate Hanging Out.
  7. Tea and biscuits likely.

‘Typing pool’, All or nothing, Chrissie Cotter Gallery, August 2018

Work in progress at Carss Park Artist Cottage, Carss Park AIR


July 2018: Frontyard Projects Residency
August 2018: All or nothing, Chrissie Cotter Gallery
November – December 2019: Carss Park AIR
June 2021: Kogarah library exhibition space, for [Un]contained Festival

Invitations for Frontyard Projects drop-in


© Emma Davidson 2025