Typing pool
A prototype simultaneous collaborative writing machine – an ongoing project commenced in 2018.
See also: 2021.

Work in progress at Frontyard Projects, Marrickville, July 2018
Invitation for participants, July 2018:
- I’ll be in residence at Frontyard the week before my show ‘All or nothing’ opens at CCG.
- I’ll be looping a long piece of paper through two or three typewriters.
- This is an open invitation for participants/typists.
- You can type whatever you like – pre-written/thought things, spontaneous whatevers, shopping lists, demands, pictures, nothing.
- Depending on how I rig it, two or three will be able to type simultaneously, hence the title.
- The more eagle-eyed among you will notice that this is just a way to facilitate Hanging Out.
- Tea and biscuits likely.

‘Typing pool’, All or nothing, Chrissie Cotter Gallery, August 2018

Work in progress at Carss Park Artist Cottage, Carss Park AIR
July 2018: Frontyard Projects Residency
August 2018: All or nothing, Chrissie Cotter Gallery
November – December 2019: Carss Park AIR
June 2021: Kogarah library exhibition space, for [Un]contained Festival